
Trading tokens using TonTradingBot

You can easily buy or sell tokens fast with TonTradingBot without using other wallet platforms.

Buy Transactions

To buy tokens via TonTradingBot, please follow these steps:

  • Paste the Token Contract to TonTradingBot

  • After sending, the token information will appear. Here, you can check the basic information of that token and start the buy/sell transactions.

  • To buy the token, you choose Buy Mode, select the wallet you want to use, and the amount of $TON to purchase tokens.

  • You can enter the number of $TON you want to use to buy tokens.

  • After confirming, the Bot will send you a notification about the transaction.

  • When the transaction is completed, TonTradingBot will notify you with a link to Txhash on Tonviewer.

Sell Transactions

Selling a token will be the same as buying it.

  • Paste the token contract to TonTradingBot.

  • After sending, the token information will appear. Here, you can check the basic information of that token and start the buy/sell transactions.

  • To sell the token, you choose Sell Mode, select the wallet you used to purchase tokens, and choose the percentage of the token you want to sell. You can also select Sell X Token and enter your desired percent.

  • After confirming, the Bot will send you a notification about the transaction.

  • When the transaction is completed, TonTradingBot will notify you with a link to Txhash on Tonviewer.

Last updated